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Birdbox for Great Tit, Blue Tit , Coal Tit & Wren

This Birdbox from Humbirds has nice features an aluminium entrance ring to prevent larger bird predators, a bronzed landing/entrance handles and a Humbirds Double Bee motif in the top right hand corner.

Two catches either side of  allowing you to open the box at the end of the season for cleaning.

Hole sizes can be 25mm, 28mm and 32mm on request

Available in four colours for the Sandex 10 year satin finish range.

BIRDBOXES  Height Cm Width Cm Depth
25mm Hole 25.5 15 150
28mm Hole 25.5 42 12.5
32mm Hole 25.5 18 12.5

Regular price £32.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £32.00 GBP
Tax included.